10 Strategies for Achieving Work-Life Balance as a Small Business Owner

How to Reduce Stress and Succeed as a Small Business Owner 

Juggling a full-time job and responsibilities in your personal life isn’t a new concept. Even as an employee, you were probably faced with the daily stress of your job bleeding into your personal life. And vice-versa. It’s not a new problem, but it is still a problem that can be overwhelming.

Small business owners typically have the stress of dealing with work during personal time. As you work hard to grow your business, you also have to work hard to maintain relationships outside of your business. Being constantly pulled in two directions is a familiar stress most small business owners experience.

You strive to maintain motivation for your own business daily.  How do you give your relationships (and yourself!) all the TLC they need and deserve too? All work and no play will quickly cause burnout for any small business owner.

There are some simple steps you can take to help ward off burnout and keep your motivation going as you grow your business.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” —Stephen R. Covey, author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Steps to prioritize what’s important

  1. Develop a Routine and Identify a Workspace. Creating boundaries between your workspace and living space is important, especially if you work from home. Equally important is setting a work schedule, even if the daily schedule varies. Knowing your work hours will help you plan your day more efficiently. 
  1. Determine a Hard Stop for Your Workday. Once you’ve set your work schedule, stick to your designated quitting time. Letting work bleed into the time you’ve set aside as personal can lead to more stress in your personal life.
  1. Make a To-Do List to Prioritize Daily Tasks. Prioritize your daily tasks in a To-Do List to keep you mentally focused. You are less likely to feel overwhelmed if you clearly know what has to be accomplished each day. Keep your daily goals as realistic as possible. Don’t set yourself up for failure by overloading yourself with goals you know aren’t likely to be finished.
  1. Automate, Automate, Automate. Stay on top of current AI tools that could help you work more efficiently. Complete mundane tasks quicker and easier, and give yourself more time to do other important tasks to grow your business. Automation doesn’t always mean software. What processes do you or your employees perform on a regular basis that could be improved in some way?
  1. Make Good Use of “Away” and “Do Not Disturb.” Phones and computers have features you can use to turn off notifications for emails, texts, and phone calls. Use these features and eliminate the temptation to distract yourself with messages that do not have to be immediately answered. Make it a rule to only check messages at designated times throughout your day.
  1. Spend Quality Time with Family and Friends. Schedule quality time with the people most important to you. It will make them happy and give you a much-needed break from thinking about work. The more positive effort you put into your personal life, the more likely your relationships will be successful. The more positive you are outside your business, the more likely your business will benefit from that positivity.
  1. Don’t Distract Yourself with Work on Your Phone. While spending quality time with the people you care about most, put away your phone! Don’t make the mistake of being able to easily access work-related content from your phone. If work is readily available on your phone sounds efficient, but it is too easy to sabotage the quality time you set aside to spend with those you love.
  1. Don’t Be Afraid to Delegate. Don’t try to do everything by yourself. Hire good, quality employees you can trust to help as you grow your business. If you are a solopreneur, use freelancers, consultants, or contractors to help with your business. The more time you spend doing mundane daily tasks that can be delegated, the less time you spend on ways to grow your business.
  1. Find a New Hobby That Interests You. Looking for something new to take up even more time in your day sounds counterintuitive. A new hobby is a way to give your mind a break and do something new and interesting. This step is about doing something for yourself that makes you happy. Exercise, charity work, going to the playground with your kids. Stimulate your happy endorphins regularly to maintain a good attitude in all areas of your life.
  1. Get Good Sleep! Nothing leads to burnout quicker than lack of sleep. We’ve all heard about the mental and physical benefits of a good night’s rest. But as a small business owner, it is tough to shut down your brain and relax. Find a good bedtime routine that encourages relaxation and helps you sleep through the night.

It’s OK to Give Yourself a Break 
Do yourself a favor and schedule some alone time. Have a “Treat Yourself” day, even if it is only doing something you enjoy for a couple of hours. Stepping away from the demands of work and life can give you the positive mindset needed to keep going!