Tina Vandall

Maximizing Profitability: Discover the Benefits of Small Business Cash Flow Budgeting

The allure of owning your own business revolves around the excitement of launching a product or service, monetizing your ideas, and offering people what they need to make their lives better. Small business owners understand the importance of focusing on the operations side of the business, your product or service, or your great customer service. …

Maximizing Profitability: Discover the Benefits of Small Business Cash Flow Budgeting Read More »

5 Key Differences between Business Loans and Lines of Credit Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Money is a necessity when growing a successful business. Sadly, money doesn’t go as far today as it did only a few short years ago. Inflation has increased costs for everyone, making it more difficult for small businesses to succeed. Sometimes it is necessary to borrow money to expand your business or just give you …

5 Key Differences between Business Loans and Lines of Credit Every Entrepreneur Should Know Read More »

Mind Over Matter: Harnessing the power of your mind for success

As a small business owner, there are times it feels like you are always busy putting out fires and addressing unexpected problems. You finally solve one difficulty only to find another bigger issue that needs your attention. Most successful entrepreneurs have had to deal with many obstacles to achieve their dreams. Running a business requires …

Mind Over Matter: Harnessing the power of your mind for success Read More »

3 Key Considerations for Your Business as the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Expires

Prepare Your Small Business for the Post-Pandemic Environment Most areas of the US are already back to business as usual. Fewer employees are working remotely, and most restrictions have been lifted. However, the public health emergency doesn’t officially end until May 11, 2023.  The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way of life around the globe …

3 Key Considerations for Your Business as the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Expires Read More »

The Power of Transparency: how it can benefit your business

Use Transparency to Drive Your Business Success Gina, the small business owner of an organic soap company, noticed a decline in sales over the past month. She spent the morning reviewing her monthly sales figures compared to the last quarter. Her suspicions were confirmed, and the trend was worrisome. Sales were definitely on the decline. …

The Power of Transparency: how it can benefit your business Read More »

Cash is King: Why Profits Alone Don’t Guarantee Success

Why Higher Profits Can Lead to Lower Cash Sara was the small business owner of a fitness and nutrition company. She had slowly grown her business over the past two years and built a loyal client base. Sara considered herself a successful entrepreneur but needed clarification when reviewing her financial statements. Why was her bank …

Cash is King: Why Profits Alone Don’t Guarantee Success Read More »

When Banks Fail: How to Safeguard Your Small Business Against Financial Loss

Protect the Future of Your Small Business Today’s headlines bring more dire news and fear escalates around bank failures. As a small business owner, it’s essential to follow the latest developments. Two US banks have failed in the last week and it’s important to understand how this could affect your small business. What does it …

When Banks Fail: How to Safeguard Your Small Business Against Financial Loss Read More »